Provincial Government Recognizes Education Week in Newfoundland and Labrador

Today, the Honorable Krista Lynn Howell, Minister of Education, recognized March 18 – 22 as Education Week in Newfoundland and Labrador. The theme this year is Planting Positivity. Minister Howell was joined by Trent Langdon, President of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association (NLTA), in signing a proclamation to declare the week.

Education Week is a time to celebrate the educational experience of students, teachers, and staff, and appreciate combined efforts and dedication to support positive learning and teaching spaces for all members of the K-12 education system.

The Provincial Government is committed to creating and fostering a positive and modern learning environment. Recent actions to support these efforts include the elimination of the 1.6 km rule to access school bus services; a commitment to new school infrastructure in Kenmount Terrace, Portugal Cove-St. Philip’s, Cartwright, and Paradise; the elimination of public examinations and development of a new assessment and evaluation framework for high school students; dedicated recruitment and retention initiatives stemming from the recently held Teachers Think Tank and the ratification of the new collective agreement.

The integration of the former school district into the Provincial Government is now complete and more than 8,000 employees have been welcomed into the public service. This strengthened focus on education will support the government’s work to provide high quality educational programs and services for all students in Newfoundland and Labrador.

“I encourage everyone to take time during Education Week and celebrate the progress and achievements of students, teachers, and staff. We will continue to work to ensure that all students are able to reap the rewards of the positive learning environments that have been seen in classrooms and educational spaces throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.”
Honorable Krista Lynn Howell
Minister of Education


Le gouvernement provincial reconnaît la Semaine de l’éducation à Terre‑Neuve‑et‑Labrador

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