The Importance of Technology in Education, Cyber ​​University Holds Cyber ​​Education Seminar

Indonesian Cyber ​​University or better known as Cyber ​​University has successfully held a Cyber ​​Education Seminar entitled Be Successful Education

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Indonesian Cyber ​​University or better known as Cyber ​​University has successfully held a Cyber ​​Education Seminar entitled ‘Be Successful in Technology Education’.

This seminar was held in the Cyber ​​University Campus Hall, jl. TB Simatupang No.6, RT.7/RW.5, Tanjung Barat, Kec. Jagakarsa, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (31/10/2023).

In this event, Cyber ​​University presented two great speakers. Also present was Gunawan Witjaksono, Chancellor of Cyber ​​University, who gave opening remarks.

Meanwhile, two speakers were presented, namely. Dr. Ing Agus Trihandoyo, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at Cyber ​​University, and Dr. Ir Muhammad Ikhwan Jambak, Program Director of Cloud Computing at Orbit Future Academy, will share his thoughts on the world of technology education.

Gunawan Witjaksono, Chancellor of Cyber ​​University, welcomed all the participants present, especially teachers and students from SMA/SMK/MA/equivalent. This event is Cyber ​​University’s effort as the first Fintech Campus in Indonesia, to strengthen relationships between teachers and students and provide the latest insights regarding technological developments.

“Apart from being a platform for exchanging knowledge and insight, this Cyber ​​Education Seminar is also a forum for introducing three superior scholarship programs from Cyber ​​University, namely Smart Scholarship, Bright Scholarship and Digital Talent Scholarship,” he said.

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